I did a little math, and here's what $2,999 looks like broken down into "bite-sized" pieces...
3 donors giving $500
3 donors giving $250
4 donors giving $100
4 donors giving $50
3 donors giving $250
4 donors giving $100
4 donors giving $50
6 donors giving $25
If you would like to make a donation (of any size - it all adds up!) and help me finish out this semester with RUF, click on the Support Me tab at the top of the page for information on where the money goes how to make a donation. (And feel free to shoot me an email at annie.hall@ruf.org if you have any questions!)
The semester has been fun so far - it's hard to believe we're only on our third week! We will have our third Large Group of the semester tomorrow, and we've been having an encouraging turnout each week so far! Brian is preaching a sermon series on the life and claims of Jesus this semester. Please pray that God would use his messages in the hearts and lives of WCU students! Lately, students have started being more proactive about planning spontaneous events (bonfires, game nights, movie nights, etc.) and inviting everyone - including people they don't know as well and new students - to join in! It's an encouraging indication that God has been building community within RUF and has caused us to grow in unity. Our Monday Night Fellowship and small groups will be kicking off next week, we have our first Not-A-Date Night of the semester planned for February 14th, and we will be taking our Servant Teams (groups of students that serve RUF in different ways - event planning, Large Group/music, or prayer) on the first-ever RUF at WCU Servant Team Retreat Feb 21-23!! It's shaping up to be an exciting semester, and I can't wait to see what God has in store for us!
Thank you all for your prayers, encouragement, and financial support!!
Much love,