Support me!

Join me!

Here are the three main ways you can help:
  1. PRAY - I absolutely NEED your prayers! Pray that I would love my students well and faithfully point them to Jesus. Pray that I would have a humble heart and that I would trust in God rather than my own strength. I'll be posting updates and more specific prayer requests on this blog throughout my internship, so check back soon!
  2. DONATE - RUF is a 100% non-profit organization, which means that all of my living and ministry expenses are covered donations. (More about this below!) Please pray about it and give as you are able. No amount is too small - a significant amount of my support comes from small, one-time donations.
  3. REFERRALS -  Referrals and networking are an essential part of raising my support. Please let me know if you know of anyone who may be interested in partnering with me and/or if you have any fundraising ideas!

Raising support...


I will need to raise approximately $30,000 per year. This budget covers:

Budget Breakdown*

  • Salary & Taxes: $18,085
    • housing & utilities
    • living expenses
    • taxes
  • Benefits: $360
    • life insurance
  • Administrative costs: $450/month
    • mail updates
    • support account
    • donation processing
    • oversight & supervision
  • Ministry Expenses: $6,000+ (additional support goes to the Ministry Budget)
    • literature & Bible study materials
    • training/orientation
    • development
    • food and other materials for hosting events
    • activities with students
    • other ministry expenses

How to give:

RUF is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All gifts are tax-deductible
and you will promptly receive a receipt by mail.
  • Credit/debit card donations can be made online at our secure donation website: Select "Search by Campus, Church Plant, or Field Staff" and type in Annie Hall. (Be sure to select "Annie Hall, Intern".) Then enter your donation amount and click "Add to Cart" and then "Donate Now". You will be taken to a secure page where you can enter your payment information. If you would like to make a monthly pledge, be sure to check the box marked "I would like this to be a recurring monthly donation".
  • To give by check: make the check out to Reformed University Ministries and write Hall, Annie - Western Carolina, 1345 in the memo line. If you would like your gift to be counted as a monthly pledge, just include a note for the office staff. Mail to:
*Reformed University Ministries
Donor Processing
P.O. Box 890004
Charlotte, NC 28289-0004

Thank you SO much for your interest - please don't hesitate to contact me at or (912) 678-6049 if you have any questions!

*Please note that the mailing address for donations has changed. RUF is in the process of changing banks and updating the donation processing system in order to keep up with the growth of the ministry. Please send all future donations to the new address. However, if you recently sent a donation to the old address, don't worry! Your donation should be processed just like before. If you have any questions, contact the RUF main office at (855) 574-3737.